First blog post!

Wow! My first blog post!

If you don’t like it, blame Robert Lee Brewer and the There Are No Rules Blog at Writer’s Digest. A few days ago, I decided to participate in Mr. Brewer’s 2015 October Platform Challenge. It seemed like an exercise from which I would benefit greatly.

Mr. Brewer stated “This challenge will help writers through the process of improving their writing platforms by providing one task to complete for each day of the month in October.” Since I have not yet created a “platform,” I jumped at this opportunity!

Day one’s task sounded easy enough – Define myself as a writer. It was not as easy as I thought. Day two made me grow also – setting short-term and long-term goals. (Silly me, I always thought getting published was my only goal. After much soul-searching, I realized it isn’t! See, Mr. Brewer – I’m learning already!)

Day three, today, was almost a deal-breaker for me. A blog. Sure, I read blogs…sometimes. But, much like some people’s Face Book posts, they often seem a bit tedious, a bit TMI. That’s not to say all bloggers are dull or convoluted or to be avoided at all costs. There are some wonderful bloggers out there, and I wish there were enough hours in the day to follow them all. Unfortunately, there are not.

Most of the bloggers I would like to follow are established experts in their fields, and have a lot to share. I am an aspiring author. I am far from an expert in my field. I don’t have a lot to share. Or do I? I guess we will all find out, since I always try to continue what I start. And, today, I have started a blog.

Feel free to stop back from time to time. I’ll keep the porch light on for you.

By the way, just in case you missed the “About Me” page (I can’t seem to see it here), here’s a link:

8 thoughts on “First blog post!

  1. Congrats on taking the first step! A blog is very beneficial! It is a great way on practice your writing skill! And then you can get instant feed back via comments! The benefits are endless! I hope you enjoy your journey! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Marge,it doesn’t matter where I read your writing,you will always be an interesting read to me. Keep writing Marge, I’ll keep reading.


    1. Thanks, Deb. I realize you are required by the International Bylaws Governing Cousins’ Responses to say that. I still appreciate it with all my heart!


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